Viparithakarani And Asthma
Viparithakarani Yoga Pose
"VIPARITHA" in Sanskrit means upside down."KARNI" means action as we upside down in this asana towards gravitational force our organs get strengthened.As mudra exercise itself is used as asana,it is highly beneficial.
- On a carpet place 3 cotton pillows one above the other.Without sitting in the center of the pillows sit on the front.
- Slowly bend backwards thrust the hands on the floor then lower the body.Only the head should be on the floor.
- Join the legs together and raise upward.At the same time adjust your head on the floor,place the shoulder on the floor.
- Keep the legs to an angle of 90 degree to floor,the whole body weight should be on shoulder and neck,place the hands relaxed next to pillows.
- In normal breath,remain upto 100.Then lower down the legs on the floor,take some rest.Again raise the legs and remain up to 100 counts like that 15 rounds that means 1500 counts that is 15 minutes,it can be practiced.
- Thrusting the toes,raise the heels again raise the back,then remove the pillows one by one in side wards.
- Now briskly lower down the back on the floor,stretch the legs and practice savasana.
Benefits of Practicing Viparithakarani
- As more blood flows to thyroid gland,enough thyroxin gets secreted and mixes with blood.
- Because of gravitational force "Pitutarin" done by penal and pitutory glands in head are done by this asana.
- In the midst of spinal cord,there is chemical.It gets activated.Hence the nerves such as sympathetic nerves and vegous nerves ending in medulla work effectively.
- As there is a pressure on stomach in inverted position adrenal glands secrete more harmones and mix in blood.Hence adrenalin medicine work takes place naturally.
- Heart in oxygen increases and widens the windpipe in lungs.Heart gets more blood.Therefore more impure blood gets purified.
- Cure giddiness and headache.Lumbago, neck pain and other vertebral disorders gets corrected.
- Prolapse of the uterus gets adjusted to its original position.It has all the benefits of sirsasana and sarvangasana.
- Digestive system gets tower of strength there by indigestion gets relieved.
- Swelling in leg and elephantiasis are cured.Nervous system,brain and five senses functions get elevated.
- Wounds,Pimples,Wrinkles in face,greying of hair,eczoma and dental can be prevented by practising this asana.
- If this asana is practiced with other asanas,pranayama and kriya asthma,cough,cold,T.B,sinus,high blood pressure and diabetes are cured.
Useful Hints
- After three months of practise legs can be kept raised upto 15 minutes at a stretch without a break.Practicing this asana next day after intercourse will eliminate tiredness.
- During day time practice not more than 200 counts.If more than 200 counts is practised in daytime one may feel sleepy.
- Before supper,in empty stomach practise it for 15 minutes and take the supper after 20 minutes with the glass of warm water.One may get sound sleep.
- Do not practise using your hands in supporting the waist.Because by doing so,you may get back pain.In yogic scripture said this asana turns a old man into young man.
- Those who do not have time to spare to yogic practices those who suffer from lumbar pain,neck pain,diabetes,asthma,headache and high blood pressure.
Also Read:
Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
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