PADMASANA - Lotus Pose

Padmasana means lotus Pose.We keep our spinal cord as erect as a lotus stem while it is practised.

Sit on a carpet stretching the legs fully. Then fold the right leg and rest the heel on the left thigh.
Likewise fold the left leg and rest the heel on the right thigh close to abdomen.
Sit erect without bending the spine.Palms turned up in "Chin Mudra" with your index finger touching the thumb(see the picture) and place the wrist without bending elbows straight on knees.
Close your eyes and count 50 to 0 (Descending Order). Open your eyes dislodge "chin Mudra" and stretch your legs and sit.

Waist region gets strengthened. Nervous system is tranquilized.
Meditation,Breathing exercises and Kundalini yoga becomes easy when Padmasana is practised.
Fats in thigh and heel muscles are decreased. Air,Heat and Water in our body are balanced properly.
Anger slides down and ambition soars up. We will grow up"Take it easy Person".
Lotus Pose Asana Cures Impotency. Numbness in leg,ankle pain,leg pain and other disorders can be cured.
Person working in office-sitting from the morning to evening doing bench work like clerk,software engineer,writer,poets.When they practised this asana for 30 minutes in the morning and evening they can perform their duty well for a long time without fatigue.

Also Read: Weight Loss Yoga Poses


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